Daily Archives: September 5, 2018

Brain Indexing

So I haven’t been doing much of sleeping recently. The start of a new school year is almost upon us (albeit delayed slightly due to mold…). So it’s my usual time of the year to stay up late and do all the stuff that needs to get done before children arrive. But tonight I thought I’d get some sleep. Unfortunately after the 5 hours of sleep my body is used to getting, it woke up. At 3am.

Thanks body.

But a strange thing happened when I woke up. I think I caught my brain indexing through life memories. I started to think about childhood friends – you know, the ones you grew up with but lost in touch with in high school, let alone adulthood. I started to think about my best friend from middle school like Onofrio and friends grammer school friends like Kevin, Sal, Marc and Josh. What ever happened to Mike the Ranger fan or Arpan when he moved? Oh gosh and remember Ryan? What ever happened to these people?

If only there was some place where I could go online to catch up with these old friends, see what they’re up to, maybe even see pictures of them and they’re lives they’ve built.

Crap. I just invented Facebook, didn’t I?