Daily Archives: March 15, 2016

Positive Motivation

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and by the time you left that conversation you felt… energized?

At work I have a job.  I “head” the technology office.  I’ll spare the exact title, but that’s what I do.  I have a job description, with various responsibilities and tasks.  But what I am at the core is a resource.  And I feel like I’ve been doing a poor job at making myself available.

Part of the problem is, with me and my two coworkers, there’s three of us and about 350 staff members to support.  Most of my “direct” resources go to Administration.  That is, after all, the building that I’m assigned to.  But I feel like I’m not “out there” enough to really feel what the needs are.  I have my work order portal that tells me where the big problems are, and what to prioritize, but I don’t interact with people much.

Should I? Can I? How do I make the time for that?

This is going to be a tricky balancing act.  But again, after the conversation I had (that concluded just a few minutes ago), I feel like I can make a difference.  I should be working harder.  I have more that I can give.  I don’t know when I can do it… but I really feel like I can help more people then I currently do.