Daily Archives: August 9, 2014

Headed Down The Shore

I don’t have time for this! It’s a strange sensation.  I know I need to step away from my work from time to time. But I get an anxious and stressed out feeling immediately before and afterwards. Is it worth it?

Hello, my name is Kyle, and I’m a workaholic.

I am not sure where I went wrong here.  I know in High School I had difficulty saying no. Now I head up the Technology Department at work and it seems as if all I do at work and outside of work is work!  Granted, this time of year and for the next couple of months is really our busy time.  And don’t get me wrong, I love the work I do.  There’s just so much of it.

i had a conversation with someone the other night who told me how he wanted his tech people at his work to share information, processes and knowledge with each other so that not one person kept this information to themselves.  That’s great in a Pollyanna type world, but I can’t seem to a) find the time to accomplish  a task like that, and 2) everyone else in my department has their own nonsense to take care of.

For now, I’ll just keep up the had work I guess!